Vivien Watmough
Vivien has been on a personal journey of self discovery for over thirty years and practices the therapies which have a significant impact on who she is and how she lives her life. Yoga, meditation, nutrition and esoteric healing, and reiki have also been influential.
In the late 1980s she studied Nutrition at the Institute of Optimum Nutrition in London (Diploma in Optimum Nutrition) and in 1995 qualified as a Shiatsu Therapist at Shiatsu Australia in Melbourne (Diploma in Shiatsu & Oriental Therapies) and upgraded this qualification in 2002 with HLT 50202. She spent three years studying Gestalt Therapy at the Gestalt Institute of Melbourne and completed the Diploma in Gestalt Therapy and a Graduate Diploma of Social Science in Gestalt Therapy at Swinburne University in 2000. She trained as an Organisational and Group Gestalt Therapist in 2001. In 2008 completed a Post Graduate Advanced Counselling Interventions Theory and Practice; Applying Advanced Interventions to AOD Work at Turning Point, Melbourne.
Vivien has been in private practice since 1995 and worked for 12 years as a drug and alcohol counsellor at Windana. Most recently she worked as a Bushfire Case Manager with clients affected by the 2009 Victorian Bushfires. Currently she is the President of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia Inc. and has been on the National Council for six years. She also represents STAA on the Inter Association Regulatory Forum which is committed to developing the highest standards for complementary therapies. Opening One to One Well Being Centre in Euroa was the culmination of a long term ambition to offer the public an integrated approach to excellent health and well being.